2015 quilts

Friday, February 20, 2015

been a while

The last two weeks have been a whirlwind.  My son "E" and I went to Florida to visit family last week.  While on the plane "E" saw a passenger, an older women, wearing a dark purple velour sweat suit. He said she looked like a Crown Royal bag. 

We enjoyed being with family, eating good food, thrifting, playing with the little one and walking on the beach. 

I also went to the Space Coast Quilters quilt show with my sister-in-law, niece and great-niece.  How funny to see a quilt at the show made out of Crown Royal bags.  This one's for you "E".

We saw some beautiful work, quilts that inspired us, quilts that amazed us and came home with way too many ideas. My niece talked of having her mom make a "Sun bonnet Sue" quilt for her little one and we saw this one that she liked for all the colors.  

We met an incredible women who is carrying on her mothers, Pat Reid, legacy with just a small amount of her treasure of feedsacks that she was selling along with remnants. She talked of how her mother collected over 18,000 2" squared of feedsacks to document the patterns and colors. This collection is now in the process of being archived, printed and will be in the Library of Congress.  We all walked away from that booth with my niece buying a stash of feedsacks for her quilt and a deeper appreciation of the history.   "Pats Sacks" of Titusville has a store, be sure to look her up if you are ever in the area.  The treasure and history is well worth the trip.

We came home to the first real snow in mid-south Missouri. It was an interesting 2 hour drive home from the airport.

Happy to get home and get the fire started to warm our toes.

I started a part-time job as well so my quilting/sewing has been a bit slow. 

I did get to use the 6" Bloc-loc ruler that my sister-in-law bought for me.  She bought one for herself as well.  I'm sure we will be sharing our new HST projects with each other.  Here's the quilt top I made with my new tool this week. This was fun.  

With the impending snow, ice, rain and all around horrible weather predicted for the Ozarks I plan on staying in this weekend and working on the back of this quilt and maybe even another HST quilt top.  That is if we don't loose power which sometimes happens with heavy ice.  If that happens I will sit close to the wood stove to keep warm and wait it out.  


  1. Your quilt looks really cool! I love the shape of the diamonds.

  2. What a wonderful story about the feedsacks. I was in Florida this past week, but apparently I chose the one weekend in February without a quilt show! Sounds like you went to a wonderful one. Your quilt looks great!

  3. That's too funny about finding the Crown Royal quilt at the show. Your HST quilt is looking great. I really like the colors. I have heard good things about that ruler, but I do not have one yet. Hope your power stayed on and you got more sewing done. We missed out on the nasty weather this time in Iowa. Just bitterly cold. Thanks for linking up to TGIFF.
