2015 quilts

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

On to Chicago and Country Living................

Here is abi23 quilt. The original - - It has been sold and I've since sold another. The one that I will be bringing with me is one that I made as a gift, and am borrowing to take to the show.

This "forest" quilt has been sold and the buyer has been gracious enough to wait for shipment as I feature it at Country Living.

What to do with all those vintage linens I keep buying? Make a quilt...this is the yellow/green one. I have enough fabric to make several more of this color range and have pinks/green and yellow/browns also cut and ready to go.
This particular yellow/blue is made from two pieces of fabric that a friend, Patricia, gave me "to do something with", she had bought it some time ago to make curtains for a home that she has since moved from. As soon as I saw the fabric I knew it would make a darling quilt and added a couple pieces of my own to the back and here's what you get.

This is the stash of quilts I am taking with me to "Pitch" at Country Living. The last two quilts were made for my twin sons as lap quilts, which started this whole obsession of making quilts. Well, actually my Grandma Lena White was the one that inspired me. She was a quilt maker for many years and I have a picture hanging in my sewing room of her, when she was 51, sitting at her quilting frame handstitching a dresden plate quilt. I'm not too far from 51.......and will stick with my machine quilting. I have tried my hand at free motion quilting, on the last three quilts, one was recently given as a gift and I would not ask to take with me. I just LOVE free motion quilting..I am hooked.
Almost as exciting as attending the Country Living Event is the fun I will have the next week shopping all my old stomping grounds, thrift stores, in Chicago with very dear friends. I'm sure that I'll come back with more fabric and trims.
So much for making quilts to destash...........

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