2015 quilts

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Lake Mcdonald Glacier NP

My son "e" is on his x-country bicycle trip and has been posting photos of his journey. It takes slowing down and appreciating your surroundings. This photo is absolutely mesmerizing.
Thanks "e".........Mom

Monday, June 28, 2010

I'm back.........

Now that I've cleaned up my sewing room from past custom projects
I have the room to sew.... and I've pulled out some of my stash
and have been making these
reversible pillows that fit
standard-size bed pillows.....

zippered on the side, removable covers for easy cleaning.

I love using these as a way to "store" guest pillows
without taking so much room
in a linen closet.

my latest projects now in my shop
