2015 quilts

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

my loves.................

Here are some of my favorite things...............

I brought these to work today and sold three of them......only two left. I'm even parting with some of my much loved vintage buttons by adding them as zipper pulls.
They are now posted in my Etsy shop - - http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=18789921

Saturday, December 13, 2008

new fun......................

These have been in my head for some time and I finally sat down last evening and created..........

Sunday, December 7, 2008

cRaZy dOts

After a little house cleaning and setting up for a custom project I will call it an evening, but wanted to post some of my most recent projects.

Here they are...............

Monday, December 1, 2008

where it all begins.......

This is what is looked like outside,
South/Central Missouri, this past Saturday;
COOOLD and snow on the pumpkins on my porch, these came from the Pumpkin Patch shown in an earlier posting. So I decided to stay inside with the fire roaring and get to some sewing projects. I'm so not ready for the snow this year.

This is where I "play".

Here is how a pouch starts out .

I work on several at a time.

These are parts that will soon become pouches.
My favorite ...........snowmen. Since we now have had our first snow I can justify making my snowmen goodies.

This is how he started out.........................

This is what he looked like finished.

Sorry he will never make it to my Etsy shop, because a co-worker bought it the very next day and I will fill it with my notecards created with my cRaZy dOtS. I will be working on more, check back.

This pouch along with another was posted on my shop this evening.

Take a look..................


Friday, November 28, 2008

...the P E R F E C T purse....

I have been looking for the "perfect" purse most of my life. A woman that I work with has said to let her know when I find it, she too is looking. Well, I decided to make one. I think I've found my new interest. With my HUGE stash of fabrics I've got to use it up somehow....so why not share the "perfect" purse with everyone.


Sunday, November 9, 2008

did he leave his tie there....again?

Just finished this pillow cover from linen and a vintage skinny tie. I had fun making this and keep on the lookout for more like this because I have several boxes of vintage ties.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

.......and more................

Can't you tell I love pumpkins?? My sister and I took our nephew to the pumpkin patch last weekend and enjoyed the beautiful Fall day and got to see the wonders of life thru the eyes of a 5 year old, again. Here in the heart of the Ozarks, the trees may not be as brilliant, but the pumpkins look just fine.

Friday, October 31, 2008

........more of my favorite things

Aren't these colors so rich?
Beautiful..... just beautiful

by CindyVdesigns


Thursday, October 30, 2008

A few of my favorite things.........

Here are some beautiful beads
made by a dear friend of mine.
You can see more of her lampwork at

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I'm in another Etsy Treasury.......
"Keep it Zipped".....
by contemporarystitches.etsy.com
Take a look.

Monday, October 27, 2008


My Dreams are coming true.....Now that I have a shop on Etsy - simpledream2.etsy.com - I can get back to my first love - - sewing.... I enjoy creating interesting and exiting things that I now would like to share with others. Besides I've always said that sewing is my therapy. While being a stay at home mom and raising 3 children I did a lot of custom sewing and felt pressured. My children are grown, I have my sewing room (again) and especially after a long day at the office, I am enjoying my "therapy". This shop gives me the ability to make one-of-a-kind items and share the excitment when others want to enjoy them also.

Stop by anytime, enjoy shopping and check back often.

So many ideas........so little time.